
Kimberly - Film student who enjoys Romance languages (especially Iberian Spanish), the food of her people (Italian), and the musical stylings of the one-man indie pop group La Casa Azul. Her birthday is December 16th, so celebrate it.

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Lani - BIENVENUE. Lani is a cinema arts and creative writing student. LES YEUX. She writes mainly found poetry. LE COUER. She listens to too much of The Smiths, Pulp, and is secretly addicted to bad Top 40 radio and buzzbands. L'EXISTANCE. Once she listened to "Common People" so many times she had an epiphany. L'AMOUR. But she doesn't remember what that epiphany entails. LES INCOMPETENTS. She has watched too many trailers for the films of Jean-Luc Godard. FIN.

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Valerie -"I'm a Cuckoo" a track titled by Belle & Sebastian to many, for her the statement epitomizing her existence. In a nutshell she is a quirky, perverted, boy crazy, aspiring art historian with the appetite of a line backer. Ah yes, and most importantly- a chicken nugget aficionado.

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Eryca- Hey yo. Eryca is as aspiring film maker and blogger, and hopes to have her entire life figured out  by the time she is 22. She enjoys traveling, strange pastries, and pretending to have a social life. She plays roller derby, and her favorite band is Belle & Sebastian. She currently resides in sunny, but entirely too polluted L.A.